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Gamma Knife

NICE Sky Med By NICE Ltd> Neuro & Spine> Gamma Knife


The Gamma Knife radiosurgery or gamma knife or sometimes referred as stereotactic radiosurgery is a very precise form of radiotherapy that delivers very intense and focused beams of gamma rays for the treatment of small to medium sized brain lesions that are considered inoperable or untreatable. The gamma rays are delivered with pinpoint accuracy to the tumor or lesion without any surgical opening or incision. Its accuracy facilitates minimal effect to the surrounding healthy tissue.

It provides a non-surgical and pain-free option of treatment to patients who suffer from inoperable or surgically complex brain disorders. It is also a solution for patients who may be looking for an alternative to surgery. But due to its slow therapeutic effects, gamma knife radiosurgery is not an option of treatment for patients suffering from conditions that require immediate treatment.

Is it a surgery?

This is the first thing that comes in mind of every person after hearing the name of the procedure “Gamma Knife”. But despite its name having knife in it, it is not a surgery and no knife or scalpel is used in the procedure. Also, there is no cutting involved in the procedure and it is completely non-invasive procedure. In fact, the Gamma Knife radiosurgery is a non-invasive stereotactic radiosurgery technique named so because its results match the surgical outcomes.

What kind of lesions or tumors are treated with Gamma Knife?

Gamma knife radiosurgery can effectively treat or control following types of inoperable or untreatable benign as well as malignant tumours, nerve conditions, functional disorders and blood vessel malformations:

How does Gamma Knife precised radiations only to target area?

Gamma Knife is designed in such a way that it can deliver high intensity of gamma rays only to the target area to destroy tumors or lesions of brain. It is a very sophisticated system that can replace the brain surgery or brain radiotherapy in some cases. It precisely targets the tumor by delivering single, high dose of gamma rays through around 192 individual beams. These individual beams intersect at the target spot and deliver desired dose of gamma rays with accuracy of less than one tenth of the millimetre. These highly focused beams of radiation treat brain lesions so that they either shrink or disappear or stop growing. It can be used to treat an otherwise untreatable or inoperable brain condition.

Gamma Knife procedure

Before Gamma Knife procedure is done on the patient, various diagnostic scans including CT scan, MRI scan, PET scan or biopsy are done to make a diagnosis of the condition and locate the lesion. Once the decision to perform Gamma knife is made, the patient is asked to visit the hospital on the due date.

On the day of treatment, patient is asked to remove all the clothes and wear a gown. Also, any jewellery or accessories are also removed before the procedure. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia or light sedation. First of all, patient’s head is secured in the head frame that is used in conjunction with an imaging procedure so that the target area can be precisely located during the procedure. After this, an MRI or CT scan of the head is done. In AVM, angiography is done to locate the target brain lesion.

Patient now comfortably relaxes on the procedure table and a treatment plan is prepared by the team. As the plan becomes ready, patient is lied on the Gamma Knife couch in a position that precisely places head for treatment. Now the real treatment begins, and patient moves into the machine automatically. It may take anything between 20 minutes to 2 hours depending upon the location, size and extent of lesion or tumor. During the whole treatment procedure, patient does not feel anything. As soon as the procedure completes, patient is moved out of the machine and head frame is also removed.

The Gamma Knife procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure. This means that patient does not need to stay in the hospital after procedure is over and can go home on the same day.

Also, recovery after Gamma Knife procedure is often immediate, due to its low risk of complications and negligible damage to healthy tissue.

How many sessions are required for Gamma Knife radiosurgery?

In most of the cases, Gamma Knife treatment is completed in a single session that does not require a night stay in the hospital. Very rarely it may be required to deliver the treatment over a few days.

Advantages of Gamma Knife

Post Procedure Care

Getting just one seizure is not a diagnosis of epilepsy as at least two episodes of unprovoked seizures are required to consider an epilepsy diagnosis. Further there are various tests that are required to confirm epilepsy diagnosis, like:

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